Friday, July 23, 2010

Horn O' Plenty

So Pat and I are in Manns Choice, PA (we've been told it's named after a rich dude, last name "Mann", who used to ride his motorcycle around and then became mayor) at a farm called Horn O' Plenty. We've been here for 3 weeks and things are going really well. The couple who run the farm, Mandi and Jeff, are in their mid-thirties, laid-back, great cooks and very generous with their time and knowledge. They farm a lot of vegetables, have some sheep and chickens, 2 goats, some cattle, they also raise quail and pheasants which they release into their woods for people to hunt in the Fall.

We get up between 6:45-7:30, walk up from our cabin (we have our own little cabin on their property which is nice) to the farm, work until 11:30, have lunch and then we're free to do what we want until about 6:00 where we'll go back up and work until 8:00-8:30 and then have dinner. Mandi and Jeff have been doing most of the cooking, anything from pasta salad with veg. from the garden to lamb burgers and bbq chicken.

They also run a CSA program (Community Supported Agriculture) where we'll collect a bunch of produce that is ready to harvest, put it in crates, and take it into town where the families that buy into it ($400 for 23 weeks of produce) can pick it up (some also choose to pick their crate up at the farm). Recently we've been harvesting a lot of wax beans, green beans, potatoes, a few strawberries - though their patch is really young, chard, calendula (edible flower), sunflowers and leak blossoms.

Mandi and Jeff have also took us to a nearby river to swim and picnic when it's hot and to their favorite ice cream spot (maple yogurt was the big hit). We'll also go over to their cabin (just down the road from ours) for dinner and drinks sometimes and hang out.

There were 3 other wwoofers (stands for world wide opportunities on organic farms) here the first 2 weeks we were here. They were just out of college and we had a great time with them. There are 2 new wwoolfers here, and though we aren't as chummy, they're nice to work with.

I think we've been really fortunate in how well this is working out and look forward to a few more relaxing weeks.

(Sunset on Field)


(Jeff cooking up Beef and Lamb (BLAM!) Burgers)

(Mandi getting the CSA crates ready)

(Farm from where we walk up in the morning)