Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Heat is On...

Howdy, howdy. So I've spent another week in STL getting two red, swollen protusions on my neck checked out. The doctor wasn't sure what has been causing them since the test results (bacterial and viral) were negative. I'm not very worried about them, though it would make me feel better to have a solid answer. Other than that, things have been quite well. The temperature is on the rise which means a sweaty, sweaty Kevin. I like to start the day out with a good sweat by biking 40 min. to work and then just keep sweating all day long - last night I was even sweating while eating -what could be better? Fortunately, I sleep in the basement which is 15 degrees cooler than upstairs.

We have not been called out to any disasters in the last 2.5 months to the aggravation of some people on the team, since disaster response is the reason many signed up. We've just been cutting down invasives, spraying garlic mustard and building a short trail in Sherwood Forest. For me it's been fine, and in fact I think I could pretty much do anything with some of the people on this team and have a good time - though some travel outside of MO would be nice and luckily I should be doing so in late June.

This past weekend some of us went to a patio bar after work on friday called "Big Daddy's" which carries the slogan: "Best Bar in the Whole Wide World". An understatement if you ask me. Saturday we had a mass bbq at a member's backyard to celebrate "mad cool meghan p's" birthday and then wound up dancing later in the night at a bar. Sunday we played ultimate in tower grove park, which has been the norm for the last few sabbaths.

Hope you are well.

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