Wednesday, August 08, 2007

After Montana, comes missoury

I'm in STL currently, back from a month long hiatus in MT. We did some work on the continental divide trail, unnecessarily building a bridge over a creek so hikers don't get their toesies wet (CDTA wanted it done) and refurbishing some puncheons. Our hike out of this area, called the Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness, was kinda something wonderful: near Rainbow MT., through old-growth forest and along mt. lakes and streams.
Some of the most momentous times this last month have occurred while sitting around, getting to know the other members better and better. Amazing people I feel fortunate enough to have had so much down time with.
I'm catching a Greyhound back to St. Cloud on Wednesday the 15th, to arrive Thursday morning.
Hope to see you soon, love, Kevin
After the Americorps graduation ceremony in MT. Our boss, Bruce, is the white-haired hobbit in front

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