Sunday, March 25, 2007

Fire Season

Staying in shape

A fireline construction team

Hello all. Sorry it's been so long. I've been able to see some fire activity in the last two weeks. The crew I was on was led by Russell, the ERT co-leader and also comprised two 2nd years who are really good sawyers so we got called out a lot. I had no idea what the hell was going on so I could only do what I was told, which was mostly blowing fireline with a backpack blower while the experienced members cut down burning snags (dead trees that are close to the fireline and may fall past it starting a fire on the non-burn side) and lit backfires. It was still for the most part very enjoyable, exciting and tiring. Wildfires are beautiful at night. We were out close to Midnight a few nights trying to control fires that were racing towards homes. Rural areas don't have the finances to hire firefighters and equipment (and in some cases people can't be reached) so we're more valuable there. If the conditions are right (low relative humidity and high temperatures), our director Bruce will cruise around rural areas he knows arsonists like to light and watch the skies for smoke. He also likes to go to high points and gauge the wind and scoop up a handful of leaves and crinkle them in his hand to register the relative humidity. After a few dramatic seconds he'll boldly declare: "32% guys" while we if not outwardly, inwardly snicker.

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