Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ice Storm '07

It's been a bit of a hiatus from the blog. Right now I'm in Mt. Vernon, Mo working at the Lawrence County EOC (emergency operations center). I was deployed to the STL County EOC at first (which is really cool - in a bomb shelter - lots of expensive equip) and then traveled to SW MO before ending up here. Our primary duties have shifted from providing emergency relief: shelters, food and water for the area to setting up for an invasion of volunteers when we get the ok from the government (there is a lengthy declaration and clarification process we have to wait on before FEMA can work through SEMA and then the county and municipalities). At the height of the power outage there were about 300,000 without power. There are still quite a bit without power, though mainly in the rural areas so peope forget about it. Farmers are having a tough time getting drinking water to their cattle, etc... I'll hopefully have time to write more later. Peace.


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