Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Recovery in SW MO

Hey all - hope all is well. Things are going pretty well here. Americorps is now committed to keeping track of the volunteer hours in the area, databasing work requests from residents, recruiting volunteers and matching volunteer groups with jobs = an office life - something I don't want to be doing for too long. I've been doing a lot of calling lately and thankfully have had the opportunity to obtain a skid-loader (bobcat) certification. My spirits are up but I find myself bitter about the area. I'm sick of the redneck sounding accent, the horrible grammar (ex. speaking: "we'z been told ya'll could help..." ex. of writing: "need lotz of..." , "been veary busy"), they don't have recycling down here (we've been keeping our plastics, etc... to bring to Springfield), disabilities are really common, obesity is rampant....the list goes on. I keep thinking how different this area is from the really progressive areas of the U.S., such as the Portland area. How much wider can the cultural differences between these types of communities become (environmentally, education level, social and international awareness)?

Gotta run, Kevin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! you! get more pictures and write more things. i'm sick of seeing the same damn post for a month at a time. :)

-lani the trani