Monday, October 09, 2006

Biding the Time

Hello all. Not a whole lot to report. This last week was an exercise in trying to look like you're doing something useful. We had to stay at the office this week and wait till some groups went out on conservation and others will go to Pass Christian in Miss. I "organized" the gas cans for 2.5 days!!!! (I worked with a guy named Paul from Philly - he really likes to ridicule my accent - I still don't believe I have much of an accent. Paul and I have gotten close - we both love to dance). Well, I actually did some useful organizing and throwing-away of 0ld mixed-gas. This last weekend was quality. Went to a costume party on friday, I went as Moses - inspired by Melissa - and brought blank tablets to be filled in. On saturday we all hung out, played b-ball at the nearby court and then saw The departed. Jack Nicholson was dynamite. The dialogue was unbelievable and cinem. very well done - scorcese knows how to direct a movie. I highly recommend it. This week shall also be filled with appearing useful - or so I am under that impression. I am direly hoping they give me the 27th off so Beth can come visit, I will find out today. Peace and love, Kevin

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