Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Peck Ranch

Got back from Peck'r Ranch Thursday night. We drove down Monday - 4hr. drive and then just hung out the rest of the night. They split us off into 2 groups and my group chopped down invasive species in the 24,000 acre park: chinese pear, autumn olive and honeysuckle. It was alright - I used a handsaw for awhile and then a back pack sprayer (we have to spray what we cut with herbicide). Wednesday I got some chainsaw training from some good ol' boys who had some difficulty reading the instruction booklet to us. In the afternoon we split off into small groups and we all got to saw down a tree. My face and back cut sucked, but I learnt a lot from it and put the tree where I wanted to - it was pretty awesome the force of a 100 ft. tree crashing through the canopy and body-slamming the earth - exhilerating. I can see why people get really into it (The instructor loved telling us about a logger competition he was in 2 weeks prior to our arrival - all one could do is nod and smile). Thursday we got some fire-training which consisted of sitting through a really crappy power-point presentation and taking an "open book" test. Yes folks, that's apparently all it takes to get your level 1 fire certificate. We get more fire training through the government sometime in the spring. We were given Friday off which was really nice - Paul, Josh and I made a great dinner at his place (Josh is a kid from NY - very political - knows every single senator from every state, etc...): steak and peppers, salad, rice and ice cream and then went to a b-day party. We were supposed to dress up as something which started with "C" - I went as a crouton (stapled lettuce to a cardboard box). Saturday some of us went to the Zoo - which was really enjoyable - it's free!! My friend AZ's dad was in town so we went out for pizza at Black Thorn - really good and had a few while we watched the cards play. AZ's dad is a real good guy we played shuffle board at the bar for many hours and then went back to the Mardel house to hang out. This week is b.s. week again...organizing maps...Next week I'm staying in town again - I have no idea what I will possibly be doing - only Mia and I will be in town the rest of the team is going to different conservation areas.

My blessings, Kevin

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