Sunday, October 15, 2006


This last week was also one of doddling: cleaning chainsaws, making shelves, playing soccer in the office...The highlight was going to the Shaw nature reserve on Thursday. We just walked around the woods the whole day with a worker there named Bob who told us about the woods: the non-native species, how the land formed, fires that came and was a very relaxing day. We also sat beside the Merimac river, a very beautiful turquoise color (and very clean), and threw rocks at drifting branches - well it was just the guys, the girls sat and ridiculed us for having to bond through indirect means never relying purely on conversation as women are more prone to do (whatever). Last night we went to the "One Night Stand" bar for a white-trash party (trust me we fit right in dressed as such). Americorps kinda took over the bar with 30+ of us putting request after request in - it was really fun. This next week I'm going to Peck Ranch for some chainsaw training and then I believe to Columbia, MO for fire-training, though everyone thinks something different as the higher-ups aren't even sure the exact schedule. If no disasters come up I'll be going down to Pass Christian in Miss. Nov. 19th and coming back Dec. 21st - hopefully coming back for Christmas. Beth is coming to visit Oct. 27th which I'm really excited about - we're going to throw a Halloween party here on the 28th - should be a great weekend. Hope you are all doing well. Love, Kevin.

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